Midnight crossed the Rainbow Bridge on September 6, 2002. To visit his memorial, please CLICK HERE.
This is MY very own page. My name is Midnight
and I'm an 9 year old domestic cat. I'm a Halloween cat because I was born on
October 31, 1992. I live with my Meowmie, Terri,
my fafur
Michael, my hewman sisfur Breanna,
and my human brofur Mason. I also have a brofur Charlie,
a nephmew Luv, and two dogs, Molly
and Rocky.
As you can probably tell, this is one of My favorite spots. I can hide from the dogs! King of the Jungle!!!! (Er. . . make that back yard!)
love to lay in the soft green grass. It smells so good and is nice and cool. I
also love to sunbathe. Meowmie says that's what turns my purrty black fur to a
brownish color.
Aren't I just the most handsome black kitty you've ever seen?
Look at my cute baby picture. My how I grew!