Welcome to Part II of My AilurophiliaPage.
Page one was getting soooo full, I figured it was time to make a Part II so mew can see the things I continue to do with Ailurophilia.

I won Furrst Prize at the 2000 Ailurophilia Halloween Party for the Human's Category. I was wearing my pirate costume, which was custom designed especially fur me by Biffy York, Famous Cat Designer.

I also won Second Prize in the Mall's Fall Contest. I submitted the following picture and essay:

I love fall. Fall's my favorite season of the year.
The leaves change to pretty colors - vibrant
yellows, oranges and scarlets. They fall off the
trees and make wonderful crunching sounds
when I walk or roll in them. The breezes turn
brisk as the temperatures drop and mew know
the holidays are just around the corner. The kids
go back to school. It's time for football games
and cookouts, pep rallies and fundraisers,
making new furrends and renewing old
furrendships. Halloween is fun with haunted
houses and hayrides, costumes and trick or
treating, candy and black cats everywhere mew
look! Then comes Thanksgiving with its turkey
and dressing, cranberries and pumpkin pie. It's a
time for families and giving thanks and
remefuring the good times. There are so many,
many reasons to love fall. Can mew name some too???

Look! I purrticipated in the Thanksgiving Turkey Hunt in Diary Society
and Fuzzy Kitties and found all the turkeys!

I love being a Secret Elf Helper for Santa Paws!

Look! I purrticipated in the Christmas Hunt in Diary Society
and Fuzzy Kitties and found all the Christmas Graphics!

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