
Costumes By Biffy

Let's take a peek in my closet and see some of the outfits I've worn recently. My good friend Biffy York made this outfit fur me. 

Midnight at the Masquerade Ball


I wore this to the Ailurophilia Masquerade Ball.
This is a custom design furrom Biffy York, too.

holly line



This is my tux that my meowmie designed fur me to wear to weddings and such.  She says I look furry catsome in it.






my stocking

Here I am in my birthday hat.






holly line

This is my Chef's outfit - another Biffy York Original Design.  I worked as the Chef at Smokey's Sweets befur it closed.  Now my nephmew, Salem is running the place.








Ah. . . May the Luck O the Irish be with Mew.  My St Paddy's Day Leprachaun Suit was custom made fur me by Biffy York also.








Biffy York designed my kewl Pirate costume fur an Ailurophilia Halloween Costume Party.  It's still one of my favorites.



holly line

This is me in my graduation cap when I graduated furrom CLAW University.







Here's my Santa Suit for Ailurophilia.  Queen Cagney of Ailurophilia designed it fur the Christmas Special.









   This is my another picfur of me in my Santa Suit.







Biffy York Custom Designs created this suit fur me.  I wore it to the Garden Society's Victorian Tea Party.






My late neice, Smokey Amber, designed this tux fur me to wear to her wedwinking.  I was going to escort her down the aisle.


This is my Robin Hood costume.  Another original idea furrom Biffy York Custom Designs.







Meowmie custom designed this black suit fur me to wear to meetings, church gatherings and ofur impurrtant stuff.






This is the furry furrst tux meowmie designed fur me.  Mew can tell she's getting much better. MOL.








Here's anofur Tux that meowmie designed fur me.










This costume was designed by Biffy York also.  I was to be one of the 3 wise men in a Christmas Play.  Unfortunately, it didn't happen. . . .







Here's a nice dress casual outfit - customed designed by Biffy York.










Meowmie custom designed my bathing suit.  Then she made one to match fur my wink-wink, Scully. 



Well, I hope mew've enjoyed a glimpse in my closet.  Check back often, mew nefur know when I'll decide to model a new outfit for mew!



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