Cead Mille Failte Romhait!
(a hundred thousand welcomes)

We've got some fun irish Step Dancing fur mewr entertainment tonight. Enjoy!



Pepper: Wow Chaos. These dancers are great. Wonder if they are really from Ireland?
Chaos: Of course they are! Uncle Mid has lots of connections! MOL.


fox   scully     spud

Fox: Wow Meow. Midnight sure knows how to throw a party!
Scully: Wonder if he'll do an Easter Egg hunt?
Spud: Do mew think we could learn to do this Irish dancing?
Scully: Sure, let's give it a try!


chavi   patches  

Chavi: Look at those two go! I didn't know four feet could move that fast!
Patches: Me either! I just love dancing and parties!


alex   ned  

Ned: This music makes me wanna dance!!!
Alex: Meow too! I nefur new irish jigs could be so lively!
Ned: I didn't know mew could be that lively either! MOL!!!

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Some Graphics By:


Terri Lynn Graphics

Step Dancers by:

Anne's St Patrick's GIF's and Backgrounds


Song is Donegal Jig.

© 2001 Midnight H.