I've been a catchelor fur such a long time that I nefur thought I would find someone. But a furry special lady kitty has won my heart. Scully and I have been furriends furever, so I guess it was kinda natural fur us to keep pairing up. I invited Scully to the Grand Opening Sock Hop fur Catmandu Village (which hasn't taken place yet. MOL) and she said yes.

This is my lovely Scully. I bought this painting of her at the CLAW Flea Market. It was worth efurry tuna, too.

I was invited to Scully and her brofur, Spud's, birthday party. We went on a long trip and did many fun things. We rode in wagons, went sky-diving, visited an Indian camp, rode through a ghost town, and much more. Scully and I got a chance to spend lots of time together. Here are a couple souvenir photos furrom the trip.

Scully had her friend Smokey Girl make bracelets fur all of us partygoers so we would always rememfur her birfday party.

Look! Scully made me a page, too. Mew can see it Here.

Then we went to a wed-winking together. My nephew Salem married the luffley Icy on August 11, 2001. It was a furry nice wed-winking. The bride was beautifur, the groom was quite spiffy in his tux and there were plenty of good things to eat purrvided by Cats Getaway Cafe. There was a great band, too, so we danced and had fun all night long.

Here's a picfur of me and my sweet Scully at the wed-winking.

Then on August 23, I rented a catsome red sailboat and found a secret map to a deserted island. Scully and I sailed to the island where we made a day of chasing seagulls and gathering shells and sandollars. Later we had an oceanside picnic. Cats Getaway Cafe packed us a great picnic lunch wif fruit and cheese, Lobster, Catnip Cooler Punch and Luv's famous Choco-Catnip Mousse. We took a sunset stroll on the beach befur sailing home.

This is our souvenir photo furrom our date. I took my camera and tripod so we could have our picfur together. Then Scully and I picked out these cute frames at Charlie's Crafts and More.

And here is the shadowbox I made fur Scully with reminders of our beach date. It's got a replica sailboat, shells, sand dollar, mini palm tree, and replica picnic basket in it.

As mew can see, we always have lots of fun together and I hope that one day soon she'll agree to be my wink-wink.

Here's anofur picfur of my luffley Scully. Isn't she just the purrtiest little kitty mew ever did see?

<bgsound src="https://middy24.tripod.com/love/enya.mid" loop=infinite>

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