Mews and Welcome to my Rockin Mardi Gras Party! I'm Midnight and I'm mewr host fur the evening. I hope mew'll come in and enjoy the food, drinks and music.

Laissez les bon temps roulez!

First a little history lesson. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), is the last day of the Carnival, before Lent, which will last 40 days and end on Easter. Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday which is a day of fast marking the beginning of Lent. This festival is an occasion of parades dressed up the streets, with floats and extremely large grotesque cardboard figures personifying the carnival, and they are burned at the end of the festival.


Mid: Mews Caggy! I'm so glad mew could make it to the Party!
Caggy: Thank mew fur inviting me Mid.
Mid: Mew look furry purrty in mewr mask.
Caggy: Thank mew Mid. Mew look great, too!

Ever wonder about the colors of Mardi Gras...

Purple represents justice, Green stands for faith, and Gold signifies power.

      Biffy: I heard there's some great food tonight here tonight.
Jessabel: Let's go check it out, Biffy.

Let's go on to the food!

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© 2001 Midnight H.