Sooooo. . . You just couldn't resist, huh? I'm glad you enjoyed my first page enough to visit the second.
I was just laying around one day and my meowmie started taking pictures of me. She sure luvs to take pictures. Don't tell her, but sometimes I like to have my picture taken. But not when I'm trying to nap!
By the way, what do you think of the background? It's one my meowmie made from a picture of me! I think it's pretty cool.
This is me and my brofur, Mason. Cute little thing isn't he? He feeds me so I especially love him!
Can't a cat have some privacy? Don't make fun of the way I eat until you try it yourself! It's comfy!

Now you see why I'm a member of FKA!
definitely one fuzzy kitty!

Our poor grass! I love in the Sunshine State and we could sure use some of the liquid version!

Okay! Enough's enough. I'm ready for a break from all this modeling now!

Ahhh. . . nap time! If I use my vampire pose, it scares the kiddies and the puppy away so I can rest in peace!!
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