Tributes from Furriends.

I am so sorry
about Midnight:( I wish I had words of comfort in this time of
sadness. I only know that Midnight is in a good place for kitties. He is in
no pain and he is running and playing with all the animals at the Rainbow
Bridge. I hope you can find some comfort in that. What a beautiful kitty!
The Rainbow Bridge has a new beautiful angel for sure today! Thank you for
sharing Midnight with us. He will be missed by all.
and thank you
and Mona
Rawr rawr MERAW
We are all so sad to hear about Midnight H.
I will post an announcement in the Meeting and Niklos will post the memorial
when he returns from vacation.
Queen Midnight

name is Andrea and I am a CLAW Member. My cats are Luckie, Gizmo, and
am so very very sorry for all of your troubles that you have right now.
Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult
care of yourself and remember that all of your friends are keeping good
thoughts for you and yours.
Luckie, Gizmo, Taurus

I'm sooooo
sooo sorry. Our deepest condolences
Merr and Puma

When somebody dies, a
cloud turns into
an angel, and flies up to tell God
to put another flower on a pillow.
A bird gives the message back to
the world, and sings a silent prayer
that makes the rain cry. People dis-
appear, but they never really go away.
The spirits up there put the sun to
bed, wake up grass, and spin the
earth in dizzy circles. Sometimes you
can see them dancing in a cloud during
the day-time, when they're supposed
to be sleeping. They paint the rain-
bows and also the sunsets and make
waves splash and tug at the tide.
They toss shooting stars and listen to
wishes. And when they sing wind-
songs, they whisper to us, don't
miss me too much. The view is nice
and I'm doing just fine.
With deepest
sympathy for mewr
We will all miss him
- PepperMille

I feel so
sorry for you and I can imagine how much you miss your Midnight. Big
Purrs from us over here from Germany.
Twinkle* and Meowmie Friederike

know what you are going through! Having our furbabies for so long and then to
lose them suddenly is so painful! At least you were there for him for 10 years.
All my sympathy and blessings,
Lady Blue

If theres
anything I can do or if you just need someone to chat to I'd be glad to

To My Best Friend
The day they laid you down to
I prayed to the Lord; your soul he'll keep
Until the appointed day and time
when together we'll meet; and all will be fine
With all God's creatures great and small
go run and play now, have a ball
No more aches; and no more pain
just bright sunshine; no more rain
Rest in peace; for now best friend
cradled in God's arms; to the end
Dream of that special; day and time
when we'll meet at the Bridge; one last time
Although we'll be separated; for a long time
we'll be together then; and all will be fine
We'll cross Rainbow Bridge; side by side
with a soft warm feeling; deep down inside
Once again then; all will be fine
we're together forever; till the end of time
John Quealy

We are all
furry sad. We are purraying that Midnight H did not suffur befur going to
the bridge.
Our hearts
go out to mew and mewr furmily.
Sad &
luffing Purrs, The Colletti Crew
Sympathy For Midnight
sincerest sympathy for your loss of Midnight Hogue. We will be praying for
you in this sad time. But remember, Midnight is now a special guardian
angel watching over you and he's happy and out of pain. Try to remember
the happy times with him. He wouldn't want you to be sad now. Contact us
if you need anything. Purrs and Love From Your Friends, Misty, SnowPuff,
Keedie, Tang, Patches, Boo Boo, Yogi, Brownie and Newman (and meowmie
Kitty aka TygerStar079)
TheTyger's Den Gang
Oh my dear,
I am so sorry.. please accept my heartfelt condolences and know my tears
fall with yours.
Hi Terri,
Oh, I am so very
sad and sorry to hear about Midnight H going to the bridge. :( You have my
prayers and my most heartfelt sympathy in this terrible time of loss. If I can
do anything to help, please don't hesitate to contact me. And please tell me how
Molly is. I hope you won't lose her too! Although it's of little comfort, please
remember that Midnight is in a happy place, out of pain, and floating over your
shoulder as your special guiding angel now. You will see him again some day when
it's your turn to cross the bridge. And remember you have friends on the
internet who care about you. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can help
in any way, however small.
Kitty, meowmie of
The Tyger's Den Kitties

So sorry
to receive your sad news. It is devastating for us mere humans when our
friends and companions cross the Rainbow Bridge. Hold tight to the
wonderful memories of the happy times you all shared with Midnight H.
will be thinking of you and praying with you, for peace and comfort to
enable you and your children to get through this most difficult time.
(& Smudge & Cleo)

Dearest Terri and Family,
This is one of the hardest
emails to have to write. I know your pain and also know there is not much
I can do or say to help. I just want you to know that I'm sharing with you
in your sorrow. I wish I were there and could just give you a huge hug. If
there is anything you would like me to do, please just ask. We had some
great times together and there is no reason we should not remain close to
each other. Mid is waiting for us at the bridge, and is with all the other
happy pets, including some of mine that went before him.
GG, Scully, Fox, Spud and Mercury

To: Terri Lynn
and family,
I know how much you miss your dear Midnight...my heart is with you all tonight.
- Kate

This beautiful
graphic was created by Midnight's one true luv - Scully.

We are so
sorry to hear, that your beloved Midnight crossed the rainbow bridge. Tell your
kids that we are thinking about them, too. And Terri, keep on working on the
tribute page, it will make you good, to put your thoughts into writing.
Hugs and
purrs from Denmark
Aase and

I've received
many other kind emails from many of my kitty and online friends. However,
my computer froze and when I restarted it, they had been cleared from my intray.
I was very upset that I lost those precious emails from my friends. So if you
notice your email is missing - that is why. If anyone else would like to
post an email or graphic, please feel free to click on the e mail button below.
I really
appreciate all that everyone has done for me in this sad time. It
really has helped and I wanted to post these emails so I would remember them
Love Terri

Page of Tributes
Graphics created lovingly by me

"Holes in the Floor of Heaven"
© 2002 Terri