Meow. I'm Midnight and I'm furry purrroud to be a member of the Fuzzy Kitties Association.
We do all kinds of fun things, like write poetry, send in pictures, make graphics, and more. Below are some of the things I've done since joining FKA.
Fuzziness can be annoying,
And also something quite enjoying.
My meowmie loves to cuddle me,
But I just want to be set free.
She likes to pet my soft pretty furr,
But she likes it more when I give her a purr.
My coat is soft and I hope yours is too.
Now it's time to say bye to you.
by Midnight H
Since you attain level one at 20 points, that was easy.
I got this award for level 1

My tip on fuzziness is to let mewr meowmie brush mew furry often. That way mew won't get tangles or mats in mewr pretty fur. Also, meowmies love doing this. It makes them feel furry special.
Here's another poem I wrote for the FKA:
Cats are
Cats are cool
'Cause they don't drool.
Cats are smart
and have great big hearts.
Cats are furry
and sometimes purry
but never never in a hurry.
Cats are great
And don't you hate
When they scratch your hose
and make you late?
Cats are special,
Cats are fun.
And don't you love us
every one?
I finally got to level 2 on June 25, 2000

My meowmie and I made the logo and background on this page as well as the four banners below.

I also got to level 3 & 4 on June 25, 2000
I finally got to level 5 on June 27, 2000. I just luf being a fuzzy kitty.
Look! I made most active Memfur for June! Yeah!!!!!
Midnight's Den
My House
My Garden Guild Page
My Poetry Corner Guild Page
My Diary Society Page
My Ailurophilia Page
© 2000+Midnight H