I joined the Garden Guild on June 20, 2000, because I luff flowers. My meowmie luffs flowers, too. Our favorite type of flower is the Sunflower. I got this neat button when I joined the Garden Guild.

One of the furrst things we had to do was write a membership essay. Then we got this neat badge.

First I became a Novice Gardener. This badge features my favorite flower of all!

And on June 25, 2000 I became an Apprentice Gardener.

I finally made Gardener Third Class on June 27, 2000

And I got up to Gardener Seond Class on June 29, 2000
Look at the cool award I got for "beeing" a great worker and I also won Most Active Memfur of the Garden Guild for June!
I zoomed right on through to Expert Gardener with the submission of lots more pictures, links, and facts about flowers.

I also created the following banners for others to use

After submitting a page Smokey Amber and I created on State Flowers, I achieved this badge:

I also created a page on Caladiums. I love caladiums. They are so easy to grow where I live. My meowmie has lots of them!

I got Most Active Memfur again for August. Isn't my badge great????
I sent in lots of new pics this month of meowmie's flowers and stuff. And I got Most Active Memfur for September.

* Midnight's Den * Ailurophilia Photography Guild * My House * My Poetry Corner Guild Page * My Fuzzy Kitties Association Page * My Ailurophilia Diary Society Page * My Garden Guild Page * My Cats Saving Animals Page * My Outdoor Cats Society Page * My Cyber Kitties Guild Page * Happy Fall Y'all * My Caladiums Page *
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