Meow! I'm Midnight and this is my Ailurophilia Page. Ailurophilia is a kewl club for cats and kittens. We have a shopping mall, suburbs, a library, and many other things. We will soon have lots of groups and guilds you can be a part of; but, you MUST be a member of Ailurophilia to join any of the guilds.

I'd like to thank efurryone who voted for me - I won FURST PLACE!!!!
I live on #3 Caggywiggle Road. You can click on my house to come in for a visit.
I'm also the Guildmaster for the Photography Guild. We are a group of cats who love to take pictures, talk about photography, and generally love photography.

This is my official membership card. Cool isn't it?

I also own and operate The Balloon Shoppe in the Ailurophilian Town Mall.
I joined the Poetry Corner Guild on June 19, 2000.

I joined The Garden Guild on June 20, 2000

I was accepted into the Ailurophilia Diary Society on June 28, 2000.

I'm now a Knight of Ailurophilia because I've earned over 1,000 points!
I also got these two badges from Queen Cagney and Prince Jinx!

I also joined YOCA - the Young and Old Cats Association. Here's my memfurship card:

Next I joined Cats Saving Animals Guild in August 2000.

I joined Outdoor Cat's Society on August 19, 2000.

I'm also in Cyber Kitties Guild

Look! I won First Prize in the Summer Contest at the Mall!!!

Here's the poem I won with!
How I'm Spending My Summer
Trying to keep cool, I sleep in the shade,
and swim in the pool which makes my fur fade.
The bright sunlight bleaches out my fur
and turns me different colors, thats fur sure!
I love to chase lizards, bugs, and frogs
And even chase my meowmie's little dog.
I like indoors, but I love being outside
'Cause in summertime there's more place to hide.
I play in the grass and climb up trees
It soo much fun to do mew see.
I love summertime. It's the best time of year.
It'll soon be over, that I do fear.
Wow Meow! Look what I just recieved in the emeow! Joan, this nice Community Leader at Geocities, liked my pages so much, (and most of them are on Geocities) that she gave me this award! Isn't that cool??

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LOOK! I've continued on a new page!
My Ailurophilia Page, Part II
Midnight's Den *
Ailurophilia Photography Guild *
My House * My Fuzzy Kitties Association Page * My Garden Guild Page * My Poetry Corner Guild Page * My Diary Society Page * My Outdoor Cat Society Page * My Cats Saving Animals Guild Page *
My Cyber Kitties Guild Page * Midnight's Site Directory *
Where To Next?