October 1, 2000 - Wow Meow! I can't believe October is already here. It seems like just yesterday, I was hiding in the bedroom cause all those New Year's Fireworks were hurting my ears! I did some more guild work today and submitted some ideas to FKA and Diary Society.


October 2, 2000 - Today is my meowmie's Grandmeowmie's birthday. Whew! That was a mouthful! Meowmie goes back to work in about 3 weeks, so I'm trying to enjoy her as much as possible.


October 3, 2000 - Worked on guild stuff and building my Halloween pages today. That's lots of work.


October 4, 2000 - Today was a lazy day. Meowmie was really tired, so we mostly catnapped!


October 7, 2000 - Did my normal guild updating today and worked on updating Smokey Amber's guild, too. Lots to do. Now my paws are sore, so I think I'll go take a catnap.


October 11, 2000 - Thought I'd better check in as I haven't written in my diary for a few days. I've been furry furry busy trying to get all my online work done befur meomie goes back to work. And I've been helping her with her geneaology stuff. She got a new purrogram and has been entering away!


October 13, 2000 - Ohhh! I've got a BIG secret. I'm seeing someone special and I'd love to tell - but it's a secret fur now! Stay tuned viewers! MOL!!!


October 14, 2000 - I had meowmie download AOL Instant Messanger today so I could talk with my two best buddies - Biffy York and Cagney de Kidden. We talked for a long time about efurrything mew can imagine. We had lots of fun.


October 15, 2000 - Biffy made me a new costume for another Halloween Party I'm going to. It's sooooo awesome. I'm going to be Robin Hood. We talked on AIM again tonight for quite a while, but Cagney wasn't on this time.


October 16, 2000 - Ahhhh, mew should see what Biffy made for Me and Cagney. It's a beatifur snow globe with all three of us in it! It's sooo cool. I wish I could do stuff like that! He's soooooo good.


October 17, 2000 - Caggy, Biffy, and I decided to make furriends pages so we can show off our snowglobes. Been hard at work trying to get my Furriends Page done. Fur our October project we're supposed to mew about our faforite season. As mew all know, I love Fall. Fall's my furry favorite season. I love watching the leaves turn pretty colors and feeling the cooler temperatures. I love playing in the crunchy leaves after they fall off the trees and I love the holidays.


October 18, 2000 - Whew! Finally got my Friends Page up. It's not complete yet, but it's viewable. I've got picfurs of 5 closest furriends up. I've also put up a link to my closet and the rest of my pages on the Site Directory


October 19, 2000 - Today was my Fafur's birthday so I have to make this short. Meowmie went back to work today, so she's furry tired and I have to go keep her company. She had to go to the Mall after work and pick up a wedding gift fur one of her furriends at work who got winked. . . I mean married while meowmie was off on sick leave. THEN, she had to go pick up Fafur's cake and the stuff to make his faforite supper. It was 7:00 by th time she got home. The Whit Kits sent me a furry beautifur picfur of autumn leaves for Photography Guild today. I just love fall. It's my favorite season. Well, meowmie's tired and needs me to comfort her, so that's all for tonight.


October 20, 2000 - Today is my grandfafur's birthday. See why I love October? We have lots of birthdays in October. I talked to Biffy and Caggy for a while tonight, but then my computer locked up and I got kicked off line. By the time I was able to come back up, Caggy had to leave and taker her catnap, but Biff and I were able to keep talking for a while.


October 21, 2000 - I got anofur great picfur from the Whit Kits and some stuff from Biffy, so I worked on my guild again today. That's about all cause meowmie went shopping and bought me some Whisker Lickens - so I have to go now and have my snack.


October 22, 2000 - Updated My Photography Guild stuff today. Won't be on much for next few weeks as meowmie has to study for not one, but TWO insurance exams coming up next month.


October 25, 2000 - Checked mail today. Meowmie is studying really hard, but she said she had brain overload, so she's letting me check mail/do updates really quick.


October 28, 2000 - YEAH! Meowmie is taking a break from studying today as she's taking the kids to Cypress Gardens for Haunted Halloween. Mew'll have to check out the pictures in Photography Guild. It's soooo cool. Bre is Spiderella and Mason is Darth Maul. When I saw their scary costumes, I hid under the car. Meowmie got lots of cute pics of my nephews today. (Smokey Amber's kits).


October 31, 2000 - Today is my 8th birthday. Biffy made me the neatest globe. I posted it on my birthday page. Meowmie came home from work early today to take the kids trick-or-treating. Fafur stayed home with me and the d*gs to give out candy to the neighborhood monsters. They locked me in the bedroom so I wouldn't get outside. Meowmie was afraid something would happen to me with so many strangers in the neighborhood. Boy did that make me mad! I'm glad it only happens once a year!!! I was soooo glad when meowmie and the kids got home. Meowmie came into the bedroom with me and loved on me and petted me until I purred. Then she gave me a special treat before letting me back otuside after she made sure there were no more monsters in the area.


November 4, 2000 - Saturday again. Meowmie's letting me do a little work today and check my emeows. I've updated my PG stuff and visited with some furriends. Now I have to go again so meowmie can study.


November 11, 2000 - Meowmie's furrst test is Monday so she's studying furry hard. I escaped to do some updating on the guild and check my emeows and stuff.


November 13, 2000 - Wow Meow! Meowmie took her furrst test today - it was on Disability Income Insurance. She said it was sooo easy. She was really prepared and knew the information well. Now if I can convince her that the next one will be easy. She's making me as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers.


November 16, 2000 - Meowmie took her final test today. Thank goodness that's ofur. Now she'll have more time fur me! Anyway. . . she won't find out the results of her exams for 8 whole weeks! Ugh!!! We've got lots and lots of updating to do on the guild, so I guess I better go get busy!


November 17, 2000 - Haven't been able to find Biffy. Has anyone talked to him? I got most of my updates done to Photography Guild last night and this morning. Hopefully, I'll get the others finished soon so I can work on stuff for the guilds I'm a memfur of.


November 18, 2000 - Boy am I glad to be back with my furriends. I've sure missed efurryone! So many changes!


November 23, 2000 - Today is Thanksgiving. Meowmie, fafur and the kids all got up and went to Grandmeowmie's house. They wouldn't let me and Molly go. They said there would be too many hewmans there and we might get stepped on. Plus Grandfafur doesn't go for kitty hair in his food. (the old fuddy duddy - who knows - might make it taste better.) Anyway, meowmie and Bre came home and then went out shopping while Fafur and Mason stayed at Grandmeowmies to help put up HER Christmas lights. When Meowmie and Bre got back, Meowmie gave me and Molly each some turkey and ham. Mmmmmm. . . good.


November 24, 2000 - Today Meowmie and Bre and Mason went shopping for more Christmas presents and a new Christmas tree. Meowmie got a really pretty one. Now we get to put it up. I can't wait, cause I love to play with the shiny round things while Meowmie and the kids decorate the tree. Meowmie plays nice music which she calls Christmas Carols and they seem to have lots of fun. We'll have to get fafur to put up the lights on the roof, cause Meowmie is scared of heights. Hmmm . . .maybe I could help. I love to play on the roof.


November 27, 2000 - I did lots of work on Photography Guild today. I had to make my decisions about the award winners, do my monthly report, do the monthly newsletter, update the Monthly Question, Monthly Theme, and Monthly Photo, and make sure efurryones points have been added. Whew!!! That took most of the day and now I'm dog tired. . . .hmmm. . . that's pretty bad . . . for a cat to be "dog" tired! MOL.


November 30, 2000 - Wow Meow! Efurryone's been sending in Photos for December! At least this month won't be slow! I've gotten lots of great entries. Can't wait to see what else comes in. Happy Holidays efurryone!


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